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Restrictions on Condominium Life

Living @ The Vaux requires good citizenship, forbearance, and a willingness to faithfully abide by the restrictions imposed by The Vaux's Bylaws, its incorporating Declaration, The Vaux Rules Handbook, and all resolutions of the Vaux Condominiums Owners' Association Board of Directors. 


To really understand the full spectrum of an owner's rights and obligations, please read the documents themselves . . .

. . . and this summary quick-start guide . . .

Condo owners live in tight neighborhoods of shared real estate. Some of the restrictions imposed reflect the demand for cooperation among neighbors that far exceeds the requirements of standalone housing. Newcomers may be surprised by the details.

Here, then, are some of the headlines . . .

Questions? Problems? Contact our property manager for help . . .


Condominium Living in
Northwest Portland

2335 NW Raleigh Street
2350 NW Savier Street
Portland  OR  97210

Copyright © 2023
The Vaux Condominiums Owners' Association

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