Moving In & Out
Moving is an owner's responsibility. Coordination with the property manager and with The Vaux's moving expediter, Settlyn, is required.
When units change hands or renters come and go, access is terminated. New residents should make themselves familiar with mandatory procedures and apply for access here:
Renting Units @ The Vaux
The number of units permitted to be rented out is strictly controlled.
"At no time shall more than 30 percent of Primary Units be rented or occupied by non-Owner occupants."
— (Bylaws 7.1.5)
The actual number of rentable units works out to 43.
Web Group: Kin Living Community
Telephone: 503 836 3183
Guests are guests for 2 weeks only. After that they become occupants, and owners must then notify The Vaux's property manager of their name(s), move-in date, automobile description, and valid contact information, just as if they were tenants.
If you own a rental unit, it is your responsibility to make sure your tenants & occupants are aware of all the rules and regulations governing life @ The Vaux. If in doubt, direct them to this website for information.
Often, 15 years into life @ The Vaux, the maximum number of rental units will have been reached. However, the Association maintains a waiting list with our property manager, Kin Living
As tenants come and go (and as owners' life plans change) rental opportunities do occur, and owners on the waiting list are then granted rental permission on a first-come, first-served basis.
To add your name & unit to the waiting list, contact Kin Living —
Permission to rent does not pass from one owner to another upon a unit sale. The new owner must re-apply and join the waiting list, if no opening is available.
For more information, please read the pertinent Bylaws ...